We create healthy and tasty treats, with goodness in mind. To ensure quality all our raw products comes from an Eu approved Plant.
We are a HACCP approved plant that manufacture a High quality dog snack for Local and Export Markets.
We Supply to many different instances with different positions in a wide Network. From Business to Busines to Cyber we put our products out there.
We do no public sales. We are wholesalers. We Export and distribute to our Clients. Our products however are available at pet retail shops as well as online.
Our Business
We are the manufacturers of export quality dog treats and snacks. We are leaders in the industry of processing healthy quality snacks. Ostripet Products is the Mother Company of our business since 1996. We have grown from manufacturing to processing and are now proud of our range of products. It is not only consisting of ostrich, but also includes game products. Pets Choice, our processing plant, is the Head of our current network. We supply retailers nationally and have an International client basis. We are aligned with other Instances in the Industry to ensure our most important clients of all, Our Dogs, get's the best quality at the best price. This is the beginning and the end of our mission. This business was born from our passion and love. What started as a personal journey transformed into a Substantial Business.
Voorspeleravenue, Mossdustria, Mossel Bay, South Africa.